What You Need to Know About Dominoes


Dominoes are small rectangular blocks shaped like dice, with the top face shaped like the letter L. They can be used in many different games, but usually they are a cousin of playing cards. They are typically made from dark hardwood such as ebony or ivory. They are also sometimes made from bone.

The first thing to know about dominoes is that they are shuffled before play begins. If you want to play the simplest type of domino game, you will need a set of double-six tiles. Normally, these pieces are rounded off at the edge so that they do not scratch the tabletop. If you do not have this set of dominoes, you can use any other tiles that you can find.

In the basic version of dominoes, players draw seven pieces from a pile. The first player decides by laying down a domino. The next player matches the number of pips on the first domino with the number of pips on one of the other players’ tiles. In some games, this player may only play a tile with a number on one end of the chain.

The second player then adds the number of pips on the first tile to the number of pips on the second. Depending on the rules of the game, the number of pips on the first and second tiles are either the same or the same number. In some games, the first and third tiles are arranged vertically and the second and fourth are arranged horizontally. Using this method, you can create an L-shaped layout, if you have enough pips on the bottom row of tiles.

In most Western domino games, you are not allowed to hold back on your own tiles. This is because you can’t tell the value of the other players’ tiles. However, if you have a team of two or more, you can count the number of tiles in the other players’ hands as part of your score. This method is called concentration.

In a traditional set of dominoes, each tile has a number of pips on one end. These pips represent the result of throwing two dice. A tile with zero pips on one end is a 0-0, a tile with six pips on one end is a 6-6, and a tile with five pips on one end is a 5-5. The numbers on the other end are blank, so that a tile can be played in any combination of the two ends.

In most games, the dominoes are laid in a way that both of the sides of the tiles are perpendicular to the layout. For example, a tile that is a 5-5 is placed to the left of a 6-6, and a 4-6 is placed to the right of a 6-6.

The goal of the game is to have a stable tower. When the tower falls, the last player in the game is the winner. In some versions of the game, the first player plays the first tile, and the second plays the fourth tile. In other games, the first player plays the second tile, and the second plays the fifth tile.