A horse race is a competition in which horses are ridden and guided by human handlers. It is one of the world’s most popular sports and has had a profound impact on history and culture. While some criticize horse racing, arguing that it is inhumane and corrupted by doping and overbreeding, others feel that the sport represents the pinnacle of achievement for Thoroughbreds and that while it may need reforms, it is still a worthwhile endeavor.
In the early days of American democracy, horse races drew thousands of spectators who traveled long distances to witness a race. A famous quote from the English traveler William Blane said that “by a thousand miles a horserace roused more interest than a presidential election.” Today, there are still many people who enjoy attending a horse race.
Horse racing has changed over the years and adapted to modern technological advances. While the sport has retained its traditions and core values, it is now more regulated than ever. There are a variety of safety measures that have been implemented in order to ensure the welfare of the racehorses. These include thermal imaging cameras, MRI scanners, endoscopes, and 3D printing technology that can produce casts, splints, and prosthetics for injured racehorses.
There are also a number of drug-control policies that have been put in place to protect the health of racehorses. Random drug testing is a regular practice and when violations do occur, trainers are often disciplined or even banned from racing. Even with these protocols in place, the truth is that a lot of trainers are dishonest and use drugs to make their horses better. This leads to over-training and eventually breaking down the horse, which is then euthanized or shipped off to be killed at a slaughterhouse.
While there are some good trainers who genuinely care about their animals and strive to keep them healthy, the majority are not. A significant number of veterinarians who work with racehorses leave the industry because they are tired of watching trainers abuse and mistreat the horses they train. Some leave the profession altogether because they are frustrated by the exploitation of these majestic animals, and by the fact that so few horsemen stand up for them.
The for-profit business of horse racing can start to fix its image by addressing the lack of an adequately funded industry-sponsored wraparound aftercare solution for all ex-racehorses who leave the track. Without it, the lives of Eight Belles, Medina Spirit, Creative Plan, and so many other racehorses would be much different than they are now. If they didn’t have the network of independent, nonprofit rescues and individuals who fundraise, network, and advocate for them, these beautiful, sensitive, intelligent creatures would be destined to hemorrhage into the slaughter pipeline. Let’s not allow this to happen again.